onsdag 24 november 2010

Panoria - the beautiful gold medal mare

Panoria, my dear homebred goldmedal mare has now moved to my niece. We will co-own and co-operate this beautiful mare.

måndag 27 september 2010

World Championship in Kentucky 2010 - Endurance

The WC is now history. The Swedish riders did not place in the top 20. They were both approved though.
Maria Alvarez and Nobby did it again. It is very interesting to see Nobby´s carrier.
In the French Endurance Data base he started his carrier (recorded races more than 100 km) 2005 in France. His first 7 recorded races with another rider he placed:
130 km 97 participants, meta3
119 km 87 part, place 10
200 km 47 part, place 19
119 km 108 part, place 20
160 km 47 part, aband5
160 km 56 part, place 13
In December 2006 Maria Alvarez took over and her extraordinary cooperation with the hors started:
120 km UAE, participants 88, place 3 of 32 approved
160 km UAE, part 99, place 5 of 28 appr
160 km Port,EC, part 89, place 3 of 35 appr.
120 km UAE, part 61, place 26 of 29 appr. (The Emirates Chall CEI3*)
160 km WC Malasia, 126 part, place 1 of 48 appr.
160 km Assisi It, 101 part, place 1 of 31 appr.
And now winner in Kentucky....

onsdag 18 augusti 2010

King Peak starts jumping!

King Peak has now been out on his first official jumping competition. The obstacles were 90 cm and he was the proud winner! He seems to be an arab of great versatility.

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Endurance Horses born 2004

I discovered some interesting figures when listing the kilometers for endurance horses for 2010. I do this for my own interest, but I found that King Peak is the horse with most kilometers, 310 to be exact at a rate of 18.2 km/H in his last 100 km race his first year. None of the horses born 2004 or 2003 has achived that during the year. He has been out in three Clear Rounds last year and 4 competitions this year and has been approved in all of them. That is very promising for the future.

His owner and rider Annelie Eriksson was riding her 12 year old gelding Zsulemi to a second place individually yesterday and the Swedish Team took the Gold Medal in the Nordic-Baltic Championship.

Today Annelie received the award for The best Swedish Endurance Horse of 2009, DAHLE and The best Endurance "Pony" of 2009 was ZSULEMI. Both prizes was given by The Swedish Arabian Horse Association SAHF.

lördag 24 juli 2010

Mothers of Arabian Race horses in Sweden

I was looking at the arabian mares, the mothers of racehorses in Sweden.

To compare the progeny noted in the sport system, the winners, total sum and the average sum/horse this is to be found (I will continue to fill in):

Penelope, 2 progeny, both winners, Total SKR 476 012, 2/238 006

Catinka, 1 son, winner, Total SKR 208 023 1/208 023, (40/11-15-6)

Velona, 9 progeny, 6 winners, Total SKR 1.682 101, 9/186 900

Winstra, 2 progeny, 2 winners, Total SKR 305 427, 2/152 714

Anjeka, 3 progeny, 2 winners, Total SKR 439 009, 3/146 336

Djamiljah, 12 progeny, 7 winners, Total SKR 1.496 982, 12/124 749

Golmohar, 7 progeny, 2 winners, Total SKR 331 713, 7/47 388

Besma, 11 progeny, 4 winners, Total SKR 490 287, 11/44 572

The breeding Stallion Parnassos/Avelshingsten Parnassos

I have been living in a thriller for years, but I feel that I have to write it down before it is too late:

Ever since Parnassos started to show his excellence and quality as a performer, the envy and evilness have followed him and in the long run even me.

In 2001 he was the Arabian Racing Champion and gave El Wodkine a real fight and won.

From that day, and the change of trainer, he had to meet his competitors mostly with two horses from their stables. The less good of their horses was going up and put pressure on Parnassos and the "best" one was waiting behind for the finish. I have saved all the films from his races and it is very obvious. The tactics was allways the same.

2002 started with a win. Next race should have been tested for doping. Parnassos behaved very uncommen the jockey said and he refused to go on board on the trailer. He looked around surprised as if he had just woke up.

To be continued....

måndag 12 juli 2010

The Swedish Endurance Team Championship

Concentration before the start signal!
The last loop remains of the 100 km race and the young King Peak is still willing to do his work.
The grooming team in action after the last loop
and the big hug when they had gone through the last Vet examination!
The Silver medal was a fact!

On Saturday, July 10, we went to Uppsala to watch King Peak taking part in the Team Championship. One of the four participants was excluded before the race so there were just 3 starters in the team. Annelie started in a moderate way and was about 15 minutes after the leading group. They were second placed for a while but Annelie decided to slow down as he is just 6 years old. The average speed was 18.2 km/H and that is rather fast. He seems to have inherited his fathers exeptional physics so he was recovering fastest of all the horses in the race!

onsdag 30 juni 2010

2010 Swedish Team Championship in Endurance

The list of entrants is now out on the net. Unless there will be some delayd entrances or changes, the Team Championship looks very interesting. Seven Teams will be out there fighting over 100 km.

King Peak will have his debute with free speed and this will be his first try over 100 km.

In the weather forecast one can read that there will be a risk for a temperature around 30 degrees Celsius. That can cause drying up problems during a day like that. No need for speculations more than a week before the event! Just wait and see. Anyway, it will be an interesting race, that´s for sure.

tisdag 29 juni 2010

The next step...

I am reading a very educational book at the moment. I will tell more about it shortly.
At the moment I wait for the definit list of centenders for the Uppsala ride next Saturday. If I am correctly informed and nothing has changed the plans, King Peak will compete in his first 100 km race and probably participate in the DDRF Team. It is the Swedish Team Championship.

söndag 13 juni 2010

Second son out on Endurance racing!

June 12 Bayron, 6 year old, completed his first Clear Round.

Parnassos has just 3 sons and a daughter despite his world class pedigree. You can look into the pedigree of whichever performing horse you choose among the best ones in the world and you will not find a horse with such a genuine pedigree as his. This goes for both Racing horses and Endurance horses.

söndag 6 juni 2010

..and the day after the Sydnärke ride...

Now King Peak has qualified for higher tasks. He can now compete in International 80 km and next step is 120 km. Quick work for a 6 year old!
I´m rather confused about the criterion of Best Condition. King Peak had a final pulse rate of 52 beats and the chosen one had 60. Is there other criteria than what can be understood by the figures and that the horse is fit and alert?

Anyway, he has now done 3 Clear Rounds as 5 y.o. and this year as a 6 y.o. 3 competitions. All approved and not used at all. He has inherited the fysical advantages from his ancestors, that´s for sure!

Next week-end Bayron will do his first Clear Round too.

torsdag 3 juni 2010

Sydnärkeritten June 5, 2010

I was thrilled and very surprised to discover that Annelie Eriksson will start 2 horses on the 80 km Sydnärkeritten. Things had been changed and she have two younger horses to qualify before they are allowed to go "free" speed. She will ride the mare Expenza herself and the 15 year old Swedish Young Rider Champion Fannie Eriksson will ride King Peak. They have to keep their speed below 16 km/H so it will be like a walk in the Park.......

tisdag 25 maj 2010


Bayron and Matilda
I had a bunch of photoes yesterday from Tilda. She was riding bare back with just a halter very light dressed in a summer dress. They were galopping around in the dandelion filled meadow with an air of radiance. I must share this fantasic pucture!

fredag 14 maj 2010

Surviver - the word can associate with different things

There is a worldwide discussion about allowing Embryo Transfer on Arabian Horses or not at the moment. The God-substitute in the shape of Greedy, lacking of empathy, self-fulfilling human beeings are now in a very short time of the evolution cycle, destroying species of nature, that has been existing for more than 6000 years in this breathtaking perfect shape.
Whenever the humans interfear and put in their new epistermologi and interrupt the nature´s devinity, the result is always the same: Catastrofy!

From the very beginning and till recently (maybe the last 30 years) the nature has been selecting the horses to mature and continue the developement. The last 30 years the humans has taken over that part through veterinarian actions. Week creatures that had been lost in the past are today breeding animals and the deficiencies are inherited by the generations to follow.
This can even be enlargend by the possibility to multifold not only a deficient stallion but also a mare by taking out several foetus during the same season. That is a very serious encrouchment disturbing the natural way of reproduction when not needed of ethnical reasons.

Överlevnad i andra tolkningar
Det pågår en världsomspännande diskussion om Embryo Transfers vara eller inte vara för närvarande. Människor som i sin tro på att ha rätten till att överta den gudomliga skapande rollen håller nu på att förändra det redan perfekta. Styrd av sin girighet, brist på empati och med självuppfyllande syften håller man nu på att skapa en ny katastrof!

I alla situationer när människor går in och lägger sig i evolutionen och i sin enfald tror sig göra landvinningar, görs detta inte för att förbättra i det stora perspektivet utan det görs alltid i det korta perspektivet och för kortsiktig ekonomisk vinning för ett fåtal. Vad konsekvenserna sedan blir är rätt ovidkommande eftersom de som går i bräschen för sådana förändringar oftast saknar empati och grundläggande begrepp = sunt förnuft.

För att gå framåt måste man blicka bakåt. Läs och begrunda historieböckerna. Om alla hade den inkänningsförmåga som krävs utifrån detta skulle situationen i världen se annorlunda ut idag. Den stora massan skulle genomskåda dem som försöker dupera och förleda sina medmänniskor och de skulle aldrig få fäste för sina sjuka och förljugna idéer. Tyvärr fungerar det inte så. Människor behöver "ledsagas" av andra eftersom det är det enklaste och bekvämaste sättet. Någon annan tar då ansvar, eller? En blind leder en blind är mycket väl illustrerande till detta fenomen.

En hästras som har 6000 år på nacken och utvecklats i ett lugnt tempo och av naturen väl genomtänkta faser har nu under ett fåtal år, vi kan nog säga ett 30-tal år, plötsligt blivit föremål för den nya tidens rovdrift. Genom veterinära metoder håller man liv i individer som naturligt skulle fallit bort och dessa används senare inom aveln för att i sin tur vidarebefordra sina medfödda defekter och svagheter. Den nya metoden ger inte bara möjlighet till att föra vidare defekter från undermåliga hingstar, den ger även möjlighet att genom multifödslar från ett och samma sto under samma säsong föra vidare hennes kanske inte alltför fullkomliga arvsanlag. Detta är resultatet av Embryo Transfer - kanske den nya tidens stora katastrof för Arabhästens fortlevnad?

torsdag 29 april 2010

Looking into the French Racing Arab/Inblick i de franska arabgaloppörerna

Sometimes in the middle of 1990th Mary Bancroft had a report about the French Arabian Racehorse written from the UK angle but very clear and distinct to give an everage description of the background and the foundation horses of this fenomenon. The thing is that people with little knowledge just see the racehorse in its standards of today and believe it is something very unique and of an old longterm breeding. The truth is that about the same amount of horses of this old French branch and very close related too, had been exported to Russia and Poland but the difference was that in those two countries the old French plain horses were integrated into the common Arabian horse breed in a natural way just to strengthen the exterior cuality and in France they were not. Those horses was not attractive so they were almost lost. The mare Magicienne 1937 (Nedjanor) had just one daughter - Magnesie 1949 and the French Racing Arab is originated from her two daughter Mandragore 1955 and Mandarine III both by Dragon.

På 1990-talet hade Mary Bancroft en artikelserie i den Engelska Arabhästföreningens tidskrift The Arab Horse där den franska arabgaloppören granskades. Man kan tro att detta är en väldigt gammal och gedigen linje som har gamla galopp-anor men så är inte fallet. Under Andra Värdskriget blev hästbeståndet illa åtgånget i hela Europ. Hästarna var ju en del av själva krigsmakten på den tiden och de som inte ingick i den hanteringen ansågs vara lyxprodukter som man inte hade användning för. Omodernt kanske man skulle kunna uttrycka det idag.
Alla dagens tusentals franskstammade galopphästar har sitt ursprung ur två ston på 50-talet, nämligen Mandragore 1955 och Mandarine III 1956, döttrar till Magnesie1949 (Denousté) och båda efter Dragon.

lördag 24 april 2010

The Björkvik race/Björkviksritten

Today King Peak was competing in his first 80 km race. As a beginner he had a speed limit of 16 km/H. He accomplished his race on a speed rate of 15.6 km/H and his puls rate was 48.
I was told that he was totally uneffected - he was not even perspiring! This seems very promising for his coming carrier. If he has inherited the heart-lung capacity from his father, he can continue up through the classes without any efforts at all!

tisdag 20 april 2010

King Peak, second race

The plans and assumptions has changed in the Team Annelie Eriksson Stable I just heard. The latest plan is to take King Peak out on his first 80 km race at the "Björkviksritten" April 24! That will be very interesting as he shows the same balance and capability to carry weight as his father does.

Parnassos was carrying 69 kilos winning 1200 m (6 Fl) 2004 on the time 1.16.9 and second just beaten with a neck on 1200 m (6 Fl) with 68 kg on the time 1.19.3 (winner carrying 56 kg and the same time 1.19.3).
Parnassos inherited this good quality from his mother Penelope and she had it from her father Pepi.

Första 80 km racet
Planerna har ändrats för Team Annelie Eriksson. Zsulemi är ju till salu och några intressenter har hört av sig så nu har valet fallit på King Peak till Björkviksritten. Han får göra sin debut över 80 km där, vilket kommer att vara mycket intressant.
Han har samma balanserade exteriör som sin far Parnassos och bör rimligen vara lika viktbärande som honom. Parnassos bar 69 kg när han tog svenskt rekord över 1200 m på tiden 1.16.9 vilket är en tid i världsklass. Han var dessutom 2a slagen med hals på tiden 1.19.3 bärande 68 kg. Vinnaren hade samma tid och bar 56 kg (= 12 kg lägre vikt!)!
Parnassos ärvde sina ypperliga egenskaper från sin mor Penelope. Hon i sin tur fick dessa från sin far Pepi som har visat sig ha ett stort inflytande på sina avkommor inom distanssporten.

lördag 17 april 2010

Tartas 2010 04 04

The Endurance race CEI** 120 km at Tartas France April 4th, the Pepi son Al Abjar BR was placed 6th of 110 starters and 71 fulfilling the race. The average tempo was 21.412 km/H. The pedigree is interesting as he is twice Piewica through Pepi and Ibn Bandos. Blood will tell. The impact of good mares is obvious.

onsdag 14 april 2010

Successful Endurance Horses

I was looking into Lydie Lemmens French Endurance site and she has now started to update the endurance races for 2010.
The Tartas CEI** 120 km was held April 4th and the Pepi son Al Abjar BR was placed 6th of 110 contenders and 71 approved. The average speed was 21. 412 km/H.

Blood will tell!Bold

lördag 10 april 2010

Endurance Vedemaritten

I just had a report on the phone: Annelie Eriksson/Zsulemi was winning the CEI 1* 80 km race on the time (rate) 21.1 km/H and Christoffer Bäcke was forth on the other Annelie-horse Dahle on the time (rate) 21.0 km/H Placed Third in the same race was a young girl, Fannie Eriksson/El Charimo. She and all her family have just joined the Dalarnas Endurance Club and it was her very first race in the new club.

Zsulemi is for sale and will be a very good alternative for a little heavier rider than Annelie as she must add 20 kg "dead" weight to follow the regulations.

Fick just meddelande om att Annelie Eriksson vunnit Vedemaritten CEI 1* 80 km på en hastighet av 21.1 km/tim. Christoffer var strax efter och blev 4a på en hastighet av 20.0 km/tim. Lilla nyförvärvet Fannie Eriksson som just gått med i Dalarnas distansryttarklubb blev 3a så av de fyra först placerade kom tre från samma nedre Norrlands klubb! Jättekul för de tävlande och även för Gävledala!!!

onsdag 31 mars 2010

Balanced Breeding

I have been translating the Norman Hall report about Pedigree Matching and will now publish the Swedish version in an abridgement. The original is to be found on my site on the Links. Norman Hall gave me his approval to use his report and he even sent me a download version of his book Queen amongst Queens. That is an interesting publication. It is a very up-to-date one. The newest stallions like Varenne is described and so are several breeding programs from all over the world. Both ancient and todays doings are looked upon.

söndag 28 mars 2010

Rönningeritten 2010 March 28

Annelie Eriksson and King Peak have now finished their first approved Endurance competition - 50 km. They placed 12th out of 24 competitors on 11,5 km/H. That was a good start for the season 2010 both for Annelie and King Peak.

Annelie Eriksson och King Peak har nu genomfört sin första tävling i Distans. Debuten på 50 km gick bra och de blev godkända. Genomsnittshastigheten var 11,5 km/H och placeringen blev en 12e plats av 24 startande. De var 8 ekipage som hade samma tid. King Peaks puls var 52. Underlaget var svårt med mycket snö i skogen. Alla red förnuftigt och sparsamt med sina hästar så det var bara en uteslutning.

Parnassos son King Peak

Today King Peak is out on his first 50 kilometers Endurance competition. He did 3 Clear Rounds, each 50 km, last year as 5 y.o. but now when he is 6 he can start the real Endurance life! If everything goes as planned, his next competition will be a 80 kilometers within a month.

Pedigree Matching /Matchning av stamtavlor

A while ago, I came across an interesting documentation about the Pedigree Matching. It is an investigation and documentation by Mr Norman Hall in Canada. This is interesting in all aspects as it is a confirmation af my own thinking and my own theories. During my 50 years of studies of the pedigrees and the discovery of the importance of the damlines and their impact as mothers of the breeding stallions I feel very satisfied to have this confirmed.
This has been known for thousands of years and every now and then some successful breeders have used the knowledge for breeding good horses. More frequently though, is the short-term thinking of the use of a successful stallion without a good damline. In the first generation it can give some good competing progeny, but in the generations to follow the breeding material is weakend and the potentially good mare line will be destroyed.
The english version of Mr Hall´s report can be seen on my site http://www.aramon.se/
on Links/Breeding/Pedigree Matching

Matchning av stamtavlor
För en tid sen hittade jag en mycket intressant sida på nätet om matchande stamtavlor i aveln av Mr Norman Hall i Canada. Detta gjorde mig mycket nyfiken och senare mycket tillfredsställd. Det var en absolut bekräftelse på mina egna iakttagelser från mina 50 års uppföljning och studier av stamtavlor och kopplingen jag funnit utifrån stolinjernas betydelse i den använda avelshingsten och stoet. Dessa kunskaper har under tusentals år funnits hos beduinerna. Med jämna mellanrum har det kortsiktiga tänkandet grumlat och skymt sikten men de stora och mest berömda uppfödarna har följt dessa riktlinjer. I den "moderna" övertron på enbart hingstens betydelse kan det fungera i första generationen där han kan ha stort inflytande över ett vekt sto. Tyvärr får man sedan i kommande generation(er) dras med både hingstens prestationssvaga mor och avkommans veka mor. Med andra ord har man försvagat sitt avelsmaterial högst betydligt. Jag kommer att utveckla dessa vetenskapliga rön mer ingående här på bloggen.

fredag 5 februari 2010

Breeding for Racing /Avla för prestation.

The breeding for competition - horses used for Racing and Endurance is a very interesting item.
As I have already said, the old Beduins knew the importance of the mares.

When I found the extraordinary mare PENELOPE I had found what I had looked for nearly 20 years!!
I was well aware of the pedigree as I had studied the studbooks fore many years.
Here I will name some extremely good horses coming from the GAZELLA.OA family.
Rusznica (see my site http://www.aramon.se/) was imported to Sweden by Blommeröd. Her daughter Rusnega/Negatiw was sold to USA where she foaled a filly by Gwydion named Refleksja.
Refleksja had 3 progeny listed in the Allbreed Pedigree Database - BIG EASY and RUDINA, both by Burning Sands. Her 3rd foal, a daughter by ZT Ali Baba, WW Mirror Image and she has one foal listed at All breed, namely a colt by Burning Sands, SO BIG IS BETTER.

In Sweden The Rusznica grand daughter Pruszja had the only daughter Penelope and the Algomej son Proszek.
Proszek is the father of Fay el Rat **** (4*) Endurance competitor in World Class and also the father of Aurore which in her turn is the mother of one of the best Racehorses in Poland resently Amor Amor.
Blood will tell.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Att avla för prestation såsom Galopp och Distansridning är ett mycket intressant ämne. Som jag nämnt tidigare förstod de gamla Beduinerna att värdesätta sina ston.
När jag hittadePenelope fann jag vad jag hade letat efter under nästan 20 år!
Jag kände till hennes stam mycket väl eftersom jag studerat stamböcker och stammar under många år.

Några mycket bra prestationshästar som kommer ur GAZELLA O.A.s linje kan här nämnas:
Rusznica (Se stamtavla och information på http://www.aramon.se/ på Penelope) importerades till Sverige och Blommeröd, dräktig med Negatiw och även Negatiwföl vid sidan. Dottern Rusnega exporterades till USA där hon bland andra fick dottern Refleksja med Gwydion.
Refleksja har i USA lämnat två helsyskon efter Burning Sands, BIG EASY och RUDINA. Hennes 3e föl som finns upptecknat på Allbreed Pedigree siten är WW Mirror Image efter ZT Ali Baba och hon i sin tur har en son efter Burning Sands, nämligen SO BIG IS BETTER.

I Sverige fanns Pruszjas enda dotter Penelope, mot till Parnassos. Pruszja lämnade även Proszek med Algomej. Han såldes till Tyskland där han gick bra på galoppen och har lämnat några nämnbara avkommor som exempelvis dottern Fay el Rat**** (4 * inom rankingen i distans) och hans dotterson Amor Amor son tillhör de för dagen högst rankade galoppörerna i Polen.

Breeding. The knowledge from the ancient beduins

I have been asking myself many years now what is really happening with the Arabian Horse breeding.

All the thousand-of-years old insights that were guiding principles for the old Beduins are today seen as just picturesque oldfashion knowledge.

Even the modern Arab Sheiks have forgotten all those old principles. Exeptions worth to mention are Egypt and Jordan as they have had a continuing breeding without any influence from Europe or later USA and Australia.

Look at all the advertising for all kinds of directions within the breed - Show, Racing, Endurance.... You name it. It is the same "modern" thinking all over the world. Use that or that stallion and all your wishes come true!

Those old Beduins knew what they talked about. They revered their mares so highly so they based their breeding programs upon the Mare families. The breed is many thousands of year - can bee as old as 6.000 years. To continue a quality breed over such a long period there must have been on a base of very deep and experienced knowledge, right?

Correctness was a very important ingredience when choosing a stallion to your valuable mare.

...more to come....

lördag 23 januari 2010

New Year - New Hope?

I continue to make research on the arabian performance horses and their pedigree, inheritige and performance capacity. Many interesting facts become visible when lifting on stones...

I have looked into Lydie Lemmens Endurance site and discovered many new angles of incidence!
The Worldchampion Endurance horse NOBBY is out of the dam line Gazella O.A via the mare Taraszcza taken to Russia 1939. He has a high percentage Polish blood. When discovering how many Polish horses that are in the top of the Endurance breeding and performance one feels prompted to go further. That what I will do. For sure!
My next discovery was how the good dam lines produces well with different stallions for Endurance as well as they do in racing. The same pattern is evident.
To take some examples:
Example 1:
The Polish mare Eliza PL (Wist-Elka) with 8 progeny listed in the data pool.
El Hixir****(Nadir L, DE, ****)
Electra****(Dormane ****) the only Dormane progeny with ****
Eliot, DRE****(Djelfor****)
Nega****(Nego DE 2*)
Vermouth***(Kalypso DE4*)
Elea de Lafon**(Neral 2*)

Example 2:
Magnolia du Cayrou****by Dia Oua(Diarex SE-Ouarda) -Marie Juane(NavarSU-Marie Claire SE)
Alizee de Marjolaine*(Dorwan du Cayrou**)
Miss Dancer****(Tidjani****) Of Tidjani´s 99 listed progeny this is the only one with 4*.

Miss Eva du Cayrou****(Djelfor****) OfDjelfor´s 97 listed progeny this is the only with 4*

Nytt år - Nya förhoppningar?

Jag fortsätter att efterforska inom aravhästaveln på stammars ärftlighet och prestationförmåga.

Många fakta upptäckter gör jag när jag lyfter på diverse stenar...

Jag har tittat lite på Lydie Lemmens Databank och funnit många intressanta saker. Världschampion NOBBY kommer i rakt nedstigande led från Taraszcza som togs till Ryssland 1939. Det betyder att han kommer ur stofamilj Gazella o.A. Det Polska blodet är mycket väl representerat i de övre skikten av Distansaveln.

Några exempel har jag lagt fram. Se ovan. Stonas betydelse är mycket stor.

De gamla beduinerna visste det genom sin tidiga selektiva avel - tusenårig. Europeerna hade en helt annan uppfattning baserad på den patriarkaliska uppfattning som vi troligen genom kyrkan och senare militären haft hängande över oss allt sedan dess. Det finns forskning i ämnet. Jag har på min hemsida lagt in en artikel om detta.