fredag 5 februari 2010

Breeding for Racing /Avla för prestation.

The breeding for competition - horses used for Racing and Endurance is a very interesting item.
As I have already said, the old Beduins knew the importance of the mares.

When I found the extraordinary mare PENELOPE I had found what I had looked for nearly 20 years!!
I was well aware of the pedigree as I had studied the studbooks fore many years.
Here I will name some extremely good horses coming from the GAZELLA.OA family.
Rusznica (see my site was imported to Sweden by Blommeröd. Her daughter Rusnega/Negatiw was sold to USA where she foaled a filly by Gwydion named Refleksja.
Refleksja had 3 progeny listed in the Allbreed Pedigree Database - BIG EASY and RUDINA, both by Burning Sands. Her 3rd foal, a daughter by ZT Ali Baba, WW Mirror Image and she has one foal listed at All breed, namely a colt by Burning Sands, SO BIG IS BETTER.

In Sweden The Rusznica grand daughter Pruszja had the only daughter Penelope and the Algomej son Proszek.
Proszek is the father of Fay el Rat **** (4*) Endurance competitor in World Class and also the father of Aurore which in her turn is the mother of one of the best Racehorses in Poland resently Amor Amor.
Blood will tell.

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Att avla för prestation såsom Galopp och Distansridning är ett mycket intressant ämne. Som jag nämnt tidigare förstod de gamla Beduinerna att värdesätta sina ston.
När jag hittadePenelope fann jag vad jag hade letat efter under nästan 20 år!
Jag kände till hennes stam mycket väl eftersom jag studerat stamböcker och stammar under många år.

Några mycket bra prestationshästar som kommer ur GAZELLA O.A.s linje kan här nämnas:
Rusznica (Se stamtavla och information på på Penelope) importerades till Sverige och Blommeröd, dräktig med Negatiw och även Negatiwföl vid sidan. Dottern Rusnega exporterades till USA där hon bland andra fick dottern Refleksja med Gwydion.
Refleksja har i USA lämnat två helsyskon efter Burning Sands, BIG EASY och RUDINA. Hennes 3e föl som finns upptecknat på Allbreed Pedigree siten är WW Mirror Image efter ZT Ali Baba och hon i sin tur har en son efter Burning Sands, nämligen SO BIG IS BETTER.

I Sverige fanns Pruszjas enda dotter Penelope, mot till Parnassos. Pruszja lämnade även Proszek med Algomej. Han såldes till Tyskland där han gick bra på galoppen och har lämnat några nämnbara avkommor som exempelvis dottern Fay el Rat**** (4 * inom rankingen i distans) och hans dotterson Amor Amor son tillhör de för dagen högst rankade galoppörerna i Polen.

Breeding. The knowledge from the ancient beduins

I have been asking myself many years now what is really happening with the Arabian Horse breeding.

All the thousand-of-years old insights that were guiding principles for the old Beduins are today seen as just picturesque oldfashion knowledge.

Even the modern Arab Sheiks have forgotten all those old principles. Exeptions worth to mention are Egypt and Jordan as they have had a continuing breeding without any influence from Europe or later USA and Australia.

Look at all the advertising for all kinds of directions within the breed - Show, Racing, Endurance.... You name it. It is the same "modern" thinking all over the world. Use that or that stallion and all your wishes come true!

Those old Beduins knew what they talked about. They revered their mares so highly so they based their breeding programs upon the Mare families. The breed is many thousands of year - can bee as old as 6.000 years. To continue a quality breed over such a long period there must have been on a base of very deep and experienced knowledge, right?

Correctness was a very important ingredience when choosing a stallion to your valuable mare.

...more to come....