torsdag 29 april 2010

Looking into the French Racing Arab/Inblick i de franska arabgaloppörerna

Sometimes in the middle of 1990th Mary Bancroft had a report about the French Arabian Racehorse written from the UK angle but very clear and distinct to give an everage description of the background and the foundation horses of this fenomenon. The thing is that people with little knowledge just see the racehorse in its standards of today and believe it is something very unique and of an old longterm breeding. The truth is that about the same amount of horses of this old French branch and very close related too, had been exported to Russia and Poland but the difference was that in those two countries the old French plain horses were integrated into the common Arabian horse breed in a natural way just to strengthen the exterior cuality and in France they were not. Those horses was not attractive so they were almost lost. The mare Magicienne 1937 (Nedjanor) had just one daughter - Magnesie 1949 and the French Racing Arab is originated from her two daughter Mandragore 1955 and Mandarine III both by Dragon.

På 1990-talet hade Mary Bancroft en artikelserie i den Engelska Arabhästföreningens tidskrift The Arab Horse där den franska arabgaloppören granskades. Man kan tro att detta är en väldigt gammal och gedigen linje som har gamla galopp-anor men så är inte fallet. Under Andra Värdskriget blev hästbeståndet illa åtgånget i hela Europ. Hästarna var ju en del av själva krigsmakten på den tiden och de som inte ingick i den hanteringen ansågs vara lyxprodukter som man inte hade användning för. Omodernt kanske man skulle kunna uttrycka det idag.
Alla dagens tusentals franskstammade galopphästar har sitt ursprung ur två ston på 50-talet, nämligen Mandragore 1955 och Mandarine III 1956, döttrar till Magnesie1949 (Denousté) och båda efter Dragon.

lördag 24 april 2010

The Björkvik race/Björkviksritten

Today King Peak was competing in his first 80 km race. As a beginner he had a speed limit of 16 km/H. He accomplished his race on a speed rate of 15.6 km/H and his puls rate was 48.
I was told that he was totally uneffected - he was not even perspiring! This seems very promising for his coming carrier. If he has inherited the heart-lung capacity from his father, he can continue up through the classes without any efforts at all!

tisdag 20 april 2010

King Peak, second race

The plans and assumptions has changed in the Team Annelie Eriksson Stable I just heard. The latest plan is to take King Peak out on his first 80 km race at the "Björkviksritten" April 24! That will be very interesting as he shows the same balance and capability to carry weight as his father does.

Parnassos was carrying 69 kilos winning 1200 m (6 Fl) 2004 on the time 1.16.9 and second just beaten with a neck on 1200 m (6 Fl) with 68 kg on the time 1.19.3 (winner carrying 56 kg and the same time 1.19.3).
Parnassos inherited this good quality from his mother Penelope and she had it from her father Pepi.

Första 80 km racet
Planerna har ändrats för Team Annelie Eriksson. Zsulemi är ju till salu och några intressenter har hört av sig så nu har valet fallit på King Peak till Björkviksritten. Han får göra sin debut över 80 km där, vilket kommer att vara mycket intressant.
Han har samma balanserade exteriör som sin far Parnassos och bör rimligen vara lika viktbärande som honom. Parnassos bar 69 kg när han tog svenskt rekord över 1200 m på tiden 1.16.9 vilket är en tid i världsklass. Han var dessutom 2a slagen med hals på tiden 1.19.3 bärande 68 kg. Vinnaren hade samma tid och bar 56 kg (= 12 kg lägre vikt!)!
Parnassos ärvde sina ypperliga egenskaper från sin mor Penelope. Hon i sin tur fick dessa från sin far Pepi som har visat sig ha ett stort inflytande på sina avkommor inom distanssporten.

lördag 17 april 2010

Tartas 2010 04 04

The Endurance race CEI** 120 km at Tartas France April 4th, the Pepi son Al Abjar BR was placed 6th of 110 starters and 71 fulfilling the race. The average tempo was 21.412 km/H. The pedigree is interesting as he is twice Piewica through Pepi and Ibn Bandos. Blood will tell. The impact of good mares is obvious.

onsdag 14 april 2010

Successful Endurance Horses

I was looking into Lydie Lemmens French Endurance site and she has now started to update the endurance races for 2010.
The Tartas CEI** 120 km was held April 4th and the Pepi son Al Abjar BR was placed 6th of 110 contenders and 71 approved. The average speed was 21. 412 km/H.

Blood will tell!Bold

lördag 10 april 2010

Endurance Vedemaritten

I just had a report on the phone: Annelie Eriksson/Zsulemi was winning the CEI 1* 80 km race on the time (rate) 21.1 km/H and Christoffer Bäcke was forth on the other Annelie-horse Dahle on the time (rate) 21.0 km/H Placed Third in the same race was a young girl, Fannie Eriksson/El Charimo. She and all her family have just joined the Dalarnas Endurance Club and it was her very first race in the new club.

Zsulemi is for sale and will be a very good alternative for a little heavier rider than Annelie as she must add 20 kg "dead" weight to follow the regulations.

Fick just meddelande om att Annelie Eriksson vunnit Vedemaritten CEI 1* 80 km på en hastighet av 21.1 km/tim. Christoffer var strax efter och blev 4a på en hastighet av 20.0 km/tim. Lilla nyförvärvet Fannie Eriksson som just gått med i Dalarnas distansryttarklubb blev 3a så av de fyra först placerade kom tre från samma nedre Norrlands klubb! Jättekul för de tävlande och även för Gävledala!!!